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The Societal Healing Programme in Rwanda - Summary of The Annnual Report 2023

17 juillet, 2024


This summary highlights the key results, lessons learned and challenges of the Societal Healing programme in Rwanda, implemented by Interpeace and its local partners during the period between January and December 2023. This programme covers Musanze, Nyabihu, Nyamagabe, Nyagatare and Ngoma districts. Overall, 5 163 people were reached (2 540 men; 2 623 women) through various interventions such as 153 healing spaces established in communities, health centres and correctional facilities; activities aimed at strengthening capacities of mental health professionals; social-emotional skills and trauma-informed leadership skills training for local level decision-makers; and interventions focused on improving livelihoods. The programme contributed to fostering mutual healing, reconciliation and community cohesion, promoting economic empowerment of individuals and communities and mitigation of the intergenerational transmission of genocide and other negative legacies.